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Progress Update, Week of June 27th, 2022

During the week of June 27, the Gowanus Remediation Team (GRT) continued In Situ Stabilization (ISS) near the Union Street Bridge. Daily closures were in effect during work between bridge abutments. Please visit for more information about extended bridge closures.

Divers conducted an inspection near the Union Street Bridge.

Monopile installation continued at the 3rd Street Bridge.

Anchor point installation began on bulkheads and monopiles along the canal in preparation for upcoming Phase 3 dredging.

A closure sheet pile was installed near Turning Basin 1 (TB1)

Photos of construction activities are provided below.

ISS in progress near Union Street.
ISS in progress between the Union Street Bridge abutments.
Installation in progress for southeast monopile at the 3rd Street Bridge.
Anchor beam installed at the headwall.