The Pilot Study performed in the Turning Basin 4 of the Gowanus Canal was successfully completed December 2018. Since then, the Remedial Design Team (the Team) has incorporated the results and lessons learned from this Pilot Study into the design documents for the remediation of the Remedial Treatment Area 1 (RTA-1) (see map). Since the completion of Turning Basin – 4, the 90% and 100% remedial design documents submitted to the USEPA in February 2020 are now being finalized for construction. We are meeting with USEPA regularly to coordinate the future construction activities with the other ongoing bulkhead installation work being performed by private property owners. This coordination requires a great deal of effort and attention to detail to sequence the movement of construction vessels in close proximity to one another. It is for this reason we ask the public to refrain from using the canal during these times for your own safety as well as the safety of the workers performing the canal work. All vessel movement should be coordinated through the U.S. Coast Guard and the USEPA. In-canal construction is expected to start in the approximate third quarter of 2020.
In the interim, the Team, including the general contractor, will prepare the Support Site property at the corner of Huntington and Smith Streets to support the in-canal work. The contractor will stockpile materials on site to be used in the canal remediation. They will also construct necessary support facilities, like the canal water treatment plant to safely clean and discharge canal waters collected during dredging.