During the week of July 19 the Gowanus Remediation Team continued repositioning the work barges around the Carroll Street bridge. This new configuration is necessary for construction equipment to access the canal-facing sides of the bridge abutments for pipe pile installation. Pipe piles are being installed at the Carroll Street bridge to create bulkheads that will support the bridge abutments during future phases of dredging. The reconfiguration process is expected to be completed by late July.
Pipe pile installation will continue along the canal-facing sides of the bridge abutments once the new barge configuration has been completed. This week crews commenced with additional preparations for pipe pile installation. Welders installed steel support structures for the upcoming installation work. Additionally, divers conducted a survey of the bridge bulkheads.
Debris removal remains ongoing at the west side of the canal north of Union Street. This week debris was removed near Degraw street. Divers inspected the debris prior to removal. Debris removal will continue over the coming weeks.
Work is continuing at the Union Street Bridge. The submarine cables that are a part of the bridge’s control system are being replaced.
Photos of construction activities are provided below.